2021 Inaugural WABA Box Cup

The last 18 months has been an extremely challenging time for us all and we appreciate all your support in following the Welsh Assembly Government regulations and guidelines during this time.

We now have the opportunity to launch our first ever Box Cup here in Wales and we hope this will become a successful annual event.

This is an All Welsh Event and in its first year will be subsidised by Welsh Boxing to as little as £5 per entry.

The date for the Inaugural Box Cup will be Friday 1st October to Sunday 3rd October in the Main Hall at the Sport Wales National Centre. The focus will be on Youth & Youth Novice (2003-2004), Junior & Junior Novice (2005-2006), Schools B (2007) and Schools A (2008)

Please read the conditions and your acceptance of these conditions will be part of the submission.

It has been a long time coming, but we are all looking forward to a festival of boxing and receiving your club entries.

For full tournament entry details and weight classes please click HERE

To enter the Box Cup please click HERE

Amy Garrett