05:30  The alarm goes off early if it’s a hill running day. Colin (Jones, Wales National Coach) puts us through some brutal runs in the Brecon Beacons and Merthyr Mawr. We’re onto the bus for 6am. We weigh in every day too as it’s important we keep on top of our weight management.

07:00:  We arrive for the run, having dreaded it for the entire journey. But once you’ve done it, you’re just pleased you’ve got through it. You really feel it in the legs. Those runs are something else! They normally last about 40 minutes but some days we do sharper, shorter sessions like sprints, shuttles and timed laps.

08:30  Then it’s time for breakfast – porridge with plenty of blueberries and strawberries with a bit of honey for me.  I have a big, sweet tooth so it hits the spot for me and it keeps me fuller for the day.

09:15  We head off then for a rest or a power nap. Because we stay on site from Monday to Thursday, we can just head back to our rooms.

10:30  We’re back for our second session of the day. We always do some strength and conditioning mid-morning. These sessions last anything from 45 to 60 minutes.

12:00  Then it’s lunch. Again, it’s all on site so it’s all really easy. It’s a chance for us to have a bit of a relax and a chat with team-mates too. I try and get protein into every meal as it’s a great recovery source and keeps you fuller for longer. I’ll often have chicken or fish with vegetables and rice.

14:30  Finally, we’re into the last session of the day. We always start off with skipping as it’s a great warm up for the body before we train and it also lightens up our feet. Then we spar, shadow box and we’re on the bags.

17:00  We normally have dinner around this time. I often head out for a stroll with Rosie (Eccles) and Zoe (Andrews) – the other girls in the squad - and we pick up a coffee along the way. We don’t go too far as we’re normally pretty shattered. We can go back to our rooms and watch a bit of TV then. We’re watching Love Island at the minute!

22:00  I normally fall asleep about 10pm, sometimes earlier. I try and get an early night so I’m fresh for training the next day.

Rachel Sansom