Club Reimbursement Fund Round 2



Last year, Welsh Boxing identified that our clubs are likely to experience lost revenues as a consequence of being unable to hold the club shows they would ordinarily run, and so, in a first of its kind initiative, we launched the Club Show Reimbursement Fund covering the months from March 2020 to March 2021.

At Welsh Boxing, we understand how vital club shows are in order to raise club funds during the year.   So, following the second panel meeting this week, we are delighted to announce a further injection of over £16,000 into a number of our affiliated clubs as part of the new Club Show Reimbursement Fund. This takes the total injected into our clubs from this fund to £23,000.

Another 15 clubs will be receiving funds to help them cover some of the lost revenues from planned shows that were not able to go ahead because of the pandemic. 

A third and final panel for this financial year will be established in February/March and so we would like to encourage all of the clubs who hold club shows to consider submitting an application.

We hope as many clubs as are eligible will look to get involved and we will be in touch again nearer to the time of the next panel.

Take Care

Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett