Coronavirus Update and Information

Dear Member Clubs,

I am still receiving regular updates on support for clubs and again, have tried to bring them into one place to assist you.  Apologies in advance if you are already receiving this information elsewhere.

Emergency Relief Fund (ERF): The ERF of £400,000 has already been launched, Sport Wales have already received in excess of £600,000 of applications, information can be found on the Sport Wales website and the first decision panel will be held on 20th April.
Sport Resilience Fund (SRF):  Work is continuing on the SRF to further support partners to protect and prepare their organisation through COVID-19 and beyond. The SRF aims to...

1. Protect the sport & physical activity sector through the crisis and prepare them to maximise future opportunities

2. Compliment not duplicate other support available & build beyond the emergency relief fund/partner funding flexibility focusing on investment, people & services

3. Engage with partners from across the sector to ensure that the approach is needs driven & encourages collaboration.

Other Funds/Grants:

  1. Ensure you are clear as to which funds your boxing club maybe eligible for COVID-19 Business Support Eligibility Checker

  2. COVID-19 Grants for businesses registered to pay business rates in Wales the WSA has also looked to summarise the support & grants available here

  3. If you feel you are eligible for non-domestic relief and grants and you are not being considered, please contact your Local Authority.

Welsh Government announcement: Welsh Government through Business Wales published information on the next phase of its support package from the Economic Resilience Fund. The £100m fund to support microbusinesses that have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak is open to applications from 17th April and more information is available here.
#BeActiveWales: Thank you for your commitment to #BeActiveWales. The content that is being created across the sector is fantastic and it’s been great to see such a wide variety of activities on display.  Please continue to share #BeActiveWales/#CymruActif where you can and if you have any ideas or suggestions please send them to There are meetings this week with Public Health Wales and Welsh Government to look at how they can support the campaign and how we can best work together to cross promote initiatives and avoid duplication.

Welsh Government:

Increased support for children’s mental health following Covid-19 outbreak
The Welsh Government has announced £1.25m to provide additional mental health support for children who may be experiencing increased stress or anxiety as a result of the international coronavirus outbreak.

Domestic abuse services in Wales are ready to help
The Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, today emphasised that specialist services in Wales are open and available to help those facing increased risk from domestic violence and abuse during coronavirus.

Mental health support scheme for doctors extended to every frontline healthcare worker in Wales
A free mental health support service for doctors is to be expanded to provide support and advice for all front-line NHS Wales staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Minister, Vaughan Gething, has announced today.

Varying the terms and conditions of Third Sector grants due to coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance for third sector organisations in receipt of Welsh Government grants during the disruption caused by COVID-19.

Senedd Research Service

Social distancing and staying at home
People across the UK are practising social distancing and staying at home to slow down the spread of the coronavirus and ensure the NHS isn’t overwhelmed. This article will outline the developments leading to this point and what it means for us all, especially the most vulnerable in our society.


Colin Metson

General Manager

Amy Garrett