Ella Matthews

Ella Matthews endured a troubled time in school and in her community from a young age, but has overcome those challenges with the help of boxing. 

Spates of antisocial behaviours had seen Ella excluded from school without any structure in her weekly routine. By this point, she had been referred to Positive Futures in Torfaen, who supported and engaged with her.  

The aim of the intervention was to support Ella through sport, offering one-to-one mentoring to have a safe space to talk. The hope was to see her re-engage back into education and community settings. 

Despite difficulty at the beginning, interactions with Positive Futures helped rebuild Ella’s self-esteem and gave her a structured routine. The sessions allowed Ella to express her interest in boxing, after which Positive Futures arranged for her to start attending Pontypool Boxing gym where she settled quickly. 

Boxing was essential in helping Ella manage her behaviour and maintain some sort of routine, providing her with a safe space to release any frustrations.  

Most importantly, it seemed to be something she was really starting to enjoy.  

“I wasn’t consistent with it at the start,” Ella stated. “I didn’t want to go sometimes but I pushed myself and had people supporting me. I pushed myself to do it more and more and realised it was for me!” 

Eventually, she was able to attend the Pupil Referral Unit, which helped give more structure to her weekly schedule, while sessions with Positive Futures started to become more and more positive. 

The onset of COVID-19 might have been disastrous in Ella’s progress.  

“I was daunted at the thought of not boxing,” she said. “COVID was hard for everyone so not being able to go to the gym would’ve messed with my mind – I was always thinking of it but couldn’t go.” 

But Positive Futures agreed to purchase equipment for her so she could train at home – a gesture that Ella took as an opportunity to get to work on her fitness. The provision of this boxing equipment helped her get through the various lockdowns and firebreaks – both physically and mentally. 

“It meant everything to me; I appreciated everything they did for me and family.  

“It was so much help. Having the equipment was like having something there that needed me, and it gave me confidence and made me believe in myself.” 

Once provision started back up, Positive Futures funded Ella to go to the Boxing gym three evenings a week. Her coach recognised her talent and wanted her in the gym more so that she could progress and be ready for a competitive fight. 

Ella was eventually ready to fight and, although she lost, she impressed, with judges, coaches and spectators commenting on how well she did, especially as it was her first bout! 

“In the Novice Championships, I had my first bout – it was a massive experience and one of the best of my life.  

“I learned from my mistakes, worked so hard and it paid off. Even though I lost, it was a great experience and I wouldn’t change for the world!” 


“Hopefully EM keeps at her boxing now,” her coach at pontypool ABC remarked, “as she has done so well in the time she has been doing it.  

“Her overall wellbeing and her whole attitude to life has seemed to take a big change. It’s a pleasure to train Ella;,she never looks for an easy way out on training nights and never questions anything no matter how hard the task is. She just gets on with it – top attitude.” 

“I’m going to continue for as long as I can,” Ella said. “I’d love to make a career out of it; I’ll see where path takes me.” 

As a result of her engagement with Positive Futures and the sport of boxing, Ella has become a happier, healthier person. She has slowly quit smoking, hasn’t been reported for causing any ASB in the community, has been engaging in education, and has re-found her self-esteem. 

“Boxing has meant everything to me,” she said. 

“It’s changed me to a completely different person. If I met myself three years ago, little me would be so proud. I was known as a naughty kid, but I’ve proved that people can change and they can turn their lives around – everyone deserves a second chance. 

“All the support I’ve had has been incredible; I’m so thankful to everyone.” 

It’s visible, when looking at journeys like Ella’s, that boxing is more than a sport; it’s a tool for change and for good. 


Rachel Sansom