Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

Welsh Amateur Boxing Association is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively across our entire organisation.  We uphold these principles in our behaviours and practices – as an employer, a governance, development and administration body.  

We oppose all forms of discrimination and intolerance and we have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment and victimisation within boxing settings and our workplace.

We will identify and remove or reduce any barriers and inequalities in the access to Welsh boxing opportunities, through consultation, impact assessment, monitoring, reporting, action planning and review.  We aim to break down all barriers of discrimination, prejudice, fear or misunderstanding with the boxing community.

We use the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s nine protected characteristics to help focus our equality and diversity work and ensure the Code of Practice is followed to inform the procedures and practice standards.

We will not tolerate discrimination against employees or members who have one or
more of the protected characteristics:

-       Pregnancy and maternity

-       Sexual orientation

-       Religion or belief

-       Race

-       Marriage and civil partnership

-       Gender reassignment

-       Sex

-       Disability

-       Age

We strive to advance equality of opportunity between individuals who share a protected characteristic, those who do not and to foster good relations.

Amy Garrett