Heavyweight Champion of the World Anthony Joshua OBE Pledges Support to Grass Roots Boxing  

2x Heavyweight Champion Provides Financial Backing To Amateur Clubs Through English, Scottish & Welsh Amateur Boxing Associations

It has today been announced that Heavyweight Champion of the World and former Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua OBE has given substantial financial backing to the Amateur Boxing Associations of England, Wales and Scotland.

The money will be distributed directly to clubs in most need of support through the local ABA’s. With an agreement in place that all funding is ring-fenced for the clubs only.

The move comes in an effort to help support the sport that gave him so much, survive the toughest period in its history. Amateur clubs up and down the country have been forced to close their doors during the pandemic with little hope on the horizon.

Often the heart of a community, these clubs have a rich history and proven record in helping both adults and children cope with physical and mental struggles.

Anthony has also taken the opportunity to financially contribute to his own Amateur gym Finchley ABC and gift new training kit. A gift which will also be extended to the regional ABA’s with one of Anthony’s major partners, Under Armour, offering to match Anthony’s financial offer in products.

On the announcement Anthony Joshua OBE said;

“Boxing helped shaped me, both physically and mentally. It is no secret that without boxing and the family created around my amateur gym, my life could have been very different. The sport has given me a lot and I want to help highlight the issues effecting grass roots clubs and do what I can to keep the lights on to those most in need.

I would like to thank the English, Welsh and Scottish ABAs for their support in helping facilitate how the financial aid reaches the most effected clubs in their regions and also agreeing to make sure the money goes directly to clubs.

I am not using this as an opportunity to criticise government for its lack of funding towards boxing, these are unprecedented times, however I would like to use my platform to respectfully ask them to rethink their stance. Without support we will lose community hubs and potentially the stars of tomorrow.”

Colin Metson Chief Executive of Welsh Boxing said;

“We are extremely grateful to Mr Joshua for his generosity in supporting Welsh Boxing and our affiliated clubs. Our clubs have suffered significantly during the year, with the restrictions caused by the pandemic causing extensive disruption and loss of gym time, plus the inability to run club shows which generates vital income for the clubs.

The news of Mr Joshua’s support will be a welcome tonic to our clubs at a time of real need, particularly those clubs in more socially deprived areas. On behalf of all at Welsh Boxing, we would like to say a huge thank you to Anthony Joshua and his team.”

Amy Garrett