Message from the Chairman

These are undoubtedly difficult times for everybody, and we wish to assure you that the Board will strive to do all that we can to support you during such trying circumstances.   We would encourage you to continue applying for any of the support packages which you are regularly advised on by Colin Metson.

In early April, we launched our new and exciting five year strategy ‘In the Red Corner’ and we are all looking forward to making an impact on the health of the nation going forward as well as helping you, as a club, develop.

In order to deliver this new strategy, the Board had identified some time ago that a change to the staffing structure was required, which would give the staff more responsibility and accountability in delivering our plans, and in turn, will allow the Board to focus on strategy and risk.  With this in mind, we have changed the role of our General Manager into that of Chief Executive Officer and enhanced the Administrator role to that of Office Manager.   These role changes are to bring our structure in-line with similar bodies of our size.

As Chair, it gives me great pride to see how far our organisation has come in recent years.  My Board and I feel it is essential that the operations of the organisation are given due autonomy and responsibility, as such the change of role of Colin Metson from General Manager to Chief Executive Officer is both necessary for the organisation and a reflection of the excellent work Colin is doing.  

With the recent additions of a Coach Education Officer and a Community Development Officer, Welsh Boxing now has the structure we believe it needs, to deliver the ‘In the Red Corner’ Strategic Plan.  All these changes have been made possible by the Board’s meticulous financial policies and practices over the past two years or so.

Vice-Chair Allan Bennett commented: “The structure of the organisation is now in a position to help us kick-on and deliver our strategic plan.   To have these key roles filled by such able and dedicated people is a credit to Welsh Boxing and puts us in good stead for the future.”

We hope you all agree that this is welcome news and an exciting development as we transition into delivering a strategic plan that will benefit us all in Welsh Boxing.  

Take care, stay safe and thank you for your continued support.

Derek McAndrew


Amy Garrett