Member Update 11

Dear Member Clubs,

Friday 10 July

Firstly, if you have received an email from Warrior to say boxing clubs can open from 25 July, please be aware that this DOES NOT apply in Wales, as we are guided by the Welsh Assembly Government and not Westminster.

However, there is some positive news today from the First Minister’s briefing, which you should be aware of and the position in Wales is now:

  • As from Monday 13 July, large gatherings outdoors of up to 30 people where these are organised and supervised by a responsible person is allowed. This means non-contact group activity and this will allow fitness sessions to take place outdoors. And fitness means no equipment. However, a risk assessment will now need to be carried out by any club wishing to operate this way. This was previously not required when the guidelines were linked to one other person. Welsh Boxing Guidance will be developed over the next few days and be available to you all on Monday. All risk assessments must be approved by Welsh Boxing before you are covered by our Insurance.

  • In the second week, from 20 July, the current restrictions on outdoor gyms will hopefully be lifted. You should be able to open as and when safety checks and other measures are put in place and again guidance will be available. In these circumstances, equipment will be allowed.

  • The next formal review of the regulation is due by 30 July, when indoor gyms ie indoor boxing clubs will be considered. In the meantime, indoor facilities remain closed.

  • The advice on social distancing is that the evidence for 2m is clear in respect of the immediate health impacts and 2m remains in place.

Please let Amy know as soon as possible who your COVID-19 Officer is on

Take care,

Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett