Member Update 17


Following the lifting of the national firebreak on Monday 9 November, there are some changes to the Welsh Assembly Government’s coronavirus regulations:

The good news - those 77 clubs that have already been approved to open indoors WILL be able to re-open on Monday.

The bad news – it is a slight backward step as the numbers indoors have reduced from 30 to 15, so if you have agreed numbers in excess of 15, you must inform the office that you will reduce your capacity.

And remember, if you have yet to pay your affiliation, then you are no longer covered under our insurance cover, which started again on 1 November.

To summarise the new guidelines:

  • Up to 15 people will be able to take part in an organised indoor group activity.

  • However, there are two important additions to note: Children aged under 11 and those organising the activity (such as coaches) are NOT INCLUDED in these numbers. The number of children aged under 11 who can legally participate is constrained only by the boundaries of the setting (space) and the need for sufficient adults to be present to supervise. If this is relevant to you, to determine the maximum capacity for the available space, you should use the UK Active guidance

  • And for outdoors, up to 30 people can take part in organised outdoor activities, but the organisers will need to take all reasonable measures to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Again, children aged under 11 plus those organising the activity (such as coaches) are NOT INCLUDED in these numbers.

  • All previous social distancing, hygiene, face mask measures remain.

As before, please see the link below to the Frequently Asked Questions on the Welsh Government website, it should take you direct to the sport section.


Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett