Member Update 19

Dear Member Clubs,

The First Minister has today announced minor changes to the current lockdown measures that have some impact for sport and physical activity.
Wales remains at Alert Level 4, and everyone is required to "stay at home" unless they have a reasonable excuse. Exercise is a reasonable excuse, but there are limits on what can be done.
This means, sadly, that boxing clubs must remain closed. And just to be clear, only professional boxers with professional licensed coaches are allowed to operate under the current guidelines, but no amateur boxing club is covered under our insurance if this is happening on your club premises. As mentioned in an earlier email, the Welsh Boxing Elite Programme is also able to operate.
The main changes for sport and physical activity announced are: 

  • As of tomorrow, four people from a maximum of two households will be able to meet outdoors for exercise.

  • Children under 11 do not count towards this total.

  • Exercise should still start and end at home, so both households will need to live in close proximity to each other.

  • Please remember, "household bubbling" is not currently permitted, so this is strictly two households.

  • No specific form of exercise is prohibited, but the availability of venues imposes practical limits, as does the inability to travel by car to begin exercise.

  • Disabled people and those with limited mobility can travel to a more suitable location for exercise.

Additionally, the First Minister indicated that Sport Wales will begin to expand the numbers of Elite athletes permitted to train in the coming weeks.

The First Minister has indicated that the process of "reopening" the economy is likely to begin during March. From the detail of his statement and responses to questions, this is likely to prioritise outdoor activity and activity for under 18’s first. 

The next review will be announced on the 12 March, where we hope the current "stay at home" order to end, enabling travel for outdoor exercise once again.

As always, FAQs and guidance are available on the Welsh Government website and are the most reliable source of guidance and information : 

Take Care

Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett