Member Update 4

Welsh Boxing has today updated its guidance for its Member Clubs following the latest Welsh Government advice published on 29th May. This will come into force from Monday 1 June.

All indoor gyms remain closed and all outdoors gyms are also not permitted at this time.

So that Clubs are aware, Government indications are that gyms will not be allowed to be open before 4th July at the earliest and even then, it’s unlikely due to the restrictions and conditions that would need to be in place.

Welsh Boxing will provide updates on a return to boxing as soon as they are available.

What are the main changes to the rules in Wales on 1 June?

  • Allowing members of two separate households to meet outdoors at any one time as long as they stay local and maintain social distancing. This does not need to be the same people from the same household every time.

  • The two households can meet in private outdoor spaces, such as gardens and on balconies, but this comes with a higher risk of infection as people may have to pass through someone’s private home to reach a garden.

What does ‘local’ mean?

As a general rule, for most people anything within about five miles of your home is considered local. Whilst five miles is a good rule of thumb for most people, if you live in a rural area, you will probably be used to defining your local area a little more widely.

Can a member of one household meet members of more than one other household outdoors as long as they are separate meetings?

Yes, but they must be separate meetings – so only two households at any one time, and social distancing and good hand hygiene must be maintained at all times.

How many people am I allowed to see at any one time?

As long as it is only two households who are meeting, there is no restriction on the number of people at any one time. Gathering with members of more than one other household, however, is still illegal.

Is social distancing still needed?

Yes, social distancing when meeting anyone not from your household is still essential to stop the spread of the virus.

Can I drive to see another household?

Yes, as long it is within your local area, you remain outdoors and you practice social distancing.

Can I travel to do sports outside my local area?

If your preferred form of exercise or leisure is one that can only be undertaken in specific locations, this still needs to be carried out locally. If there is a place where you can do these within your local area, then you are free to do so, but it would not be permissible to drive outside your local area for these purposes. Crowded places should be avoided, and social distancing should be maintained. The rules on gathering with others also mean that while you can now exercise with people from one other household, group activities are still not allowed.

How long will these rules be in place?

We are keeping these regulations under constant review and must formally review them every three weeks.

So, as well as exercising on your own or within your household, you can now exercise with as many people from one other household at one time, provided this is local ie about 5 miles and – provided social distancing measures remain in place. This means that pad work, sparring or contact is not permitted.

People may exercise outside as many times each day as they wish. You will still not be able to use areas like playgrounds, outdoor gyms, or ticketed outdoor leisure venues, where there is a higher risk of close contact and touching surfaces.

With regard to boxing activities and training, it means Welsh Boxing’s guidance for Clubs and Members, is as follows:

Exercise and boxing activity can now take place as many times in a day as a person wishes, but must be conducted either individually or amongst those within a household in outside spaces for things such as general fitness, aerobic training, running, cycling, agility work. Resistance / weight training is allowed, providing a person has access to their own equipment, as well as bag or pad work if confined to those in the household.

Additionally, one person from a household may meet up to exercise with somebody from another household in an outside space (there is no limit on numbers). Where this occurs, they must maintain social distancing guidelines of being at a distance of at least two metres. So, potentially, a coach or boxer, from two different households could join up for sprinting / running, shadow boxing etc, but not hold pads and there must be no sparring or contact between two boxers etc.

For the avoidance of doubt, all safeguarding requirements must be maintained.

All coaching outside of this context is to be conducted digitally or by other means (such as telephone support), avoiding personal interaction.

Continued compliance with social distancing guidelines is to remain two metres away from people outside your household and you should maintain good hand hygiene (wash hands regularly), particularly with respect to shared surfaces. Where equipment is shared, it must be fully cleaned with strong hygiene measures e.g. cleaning with a suitable cleaning product between use.

All competitive amateur boxing bouts and sparring is not permitted at this stage, other than those as defined for elite athletes (boxers on the GB programme or professionals who have completed stages one to three of the government’s elite sport return to domestic competition guidance

Welsh Boxing understand Clubs’ desire to get back to training for many reasons. However, it is important that the advice is followed in order to not transmit the virus.

Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett