Sibling success

The brother and sister who became Welsh Champions together.


It was wonderful to see such great competition throughout all the National Championships this year, showing how boxing brings communities together, with so many referring to the sport in Wales as a family. 


That was exemplified none more so than in the Schools and Minors National Championships held last weekend, as a brother and sister duo were victorious and collected their red vests. 


Travelling from West Wales, the Lloyd family returned home elated after seeing Ianto and Claire – both fighters from Cardigan ABC – finish as Schools and Minors champions. 


Ianto became Schools B 54kg champion, while Claire earned the Schools A W 36kg title.  


“I am immensely proud of them both to have won the Welsh vest,” said their father, Thomas Lloyd, who helps train the boxers at Cardigan ABC. “For brother and sister to win a vest in the same year is really special. 


“It means a lot to me personally to see them succeed and the shared experience of boxing in these championships has brought them closer together.” 


As with all boxers who reach these showpiece events and go onto earn their red vests, the road has not been easy for either Ianto or Claire. 


Ianto beat Kayden Powell of Gilfach Goch to earn his medal. 


“Ianto has shown immense strength of character and dedication to boxing over the years to keep working and improving with more than his fair share of the blood, sweat and tears that it takes to make a boxer,” explained Thomas. “He handles pressure well, stopping his opponent in the semis in the second round and sticking to mature, clean boxing in the final against a very strong lad.” 


“The build up to such a big event and fighting on two days in a row was a new experience to me but I relaxed and enjoyed the fights,” commented Ianto.  


“Winning was amazing,” he continued. “I couldn’t quite believe it, couldn’t wait to come back home and show my mates my vest and medal. We didn’t take our vests off until Monday night!” 


Hi sister Claire won against Gwynfi’s Kyla Edwards to pick up her title. 


“Claire is a force of nature! As there are so few small girls around,” said Thomas, “she’s travelled to fight in England three times to find opponents and has been building herself up to get over the 34kg mark to ensure she would have a fight here.” 


Claire did well to overcome a challenge she’d already faced previously, beating Kyla once before, and managed to meet one of her role models following her brilliant win.  


“Claire and her opponent in the final had fought before for the Western Division Championship,” explained Thomas, “which Claire had taken by unanimous decision. We did not underestimate her and found she was a much improved boxer and really came to fight. It was a fantastically entertaining bout and, despite their small size, it could have been the fight of the tournament.”  


“I knew it would be tough because we had boxed before,” Claire told Welsh Boxing. “I gave my all and came away with the win.  


“And it was really cool meeting Rosie Eccles!” 


Both from Cardigan ABC, the success of Ianto and Claire represent two of five champions the club has produced at this year’s Championships – from Elite to the Schools and Minors. 


“It reflects really well on a rural club in the far West to have taken five vests this year,” stated Thomas, “from heavy weight senior Joshua Mellor down to little Claire and Maximus Kirkwood, the youngest.  


“I am sure more youngsters will come through the door as a result of their successes and I hope having a female champion will encourage more girls in the area to give boxing a try.” 


Cardigan ABC has had a successful recent history, with Commonwealth Games medallists Garan and Ioan Croft, as well as Welsh Boxing Development Programme boxer Mikey O’Sullivan, starting out at the club. 


“Garan and Ioan Croft, and Mikey O’Sullivan are excellent role models and continue to be an inspiration to the younger boxers in the gym as they move on to bigger stages,” said Thomas. 


“None of them have forgotten where they started and give their time, help and encouragement to the younger members at the club whenever possible.” 


Along with the achievements of those three, Ianto and Claire have given Cardigan more headlines and only paint an increasingly positive picture for the future of boxing in Wales. 


“For me, seeing a brother and sister win this year is really special,” concluded Thomas. “I am sure we will see Welsh boxing in general – and the female side in particular – move from strength to strength in the coming years!” 

Rachel Sansom