Statement from the Welsh Boxing Executive on Measures to Help Tackle Coronavirus

Following the latest Government advice concerning the Coronavirus, please find detailed latest Welsh Boxing guidance and updates.

The latest Government advice can be found here:

One of the essential recommendations yesterday was that it’s time to stop non-essential contact and stop all unnecessary travel. Furthermore, the government will no longer support essential services at large gatherings.

National Championships

As well as the above advice, we have to consider whether its right to use the doctors and medical support that is critical to our sport at this time. On top of this, we have to take into account the age profile of some of our membership and officials and, when certain boxers, coaches or officials can’t attend as a result, the integrity of the competition.

Therefore, it has been decided that it would be inappropriate to carry on with the Welsh Boxing National Championships 2020.  Welsh Boxing will issue a further statement on the Welsh Boxing National Schools and Minors Championships 2020 as soon as possible.

Obviously, we don’t know how long this pandemic will last, but it is our ambition to ensure the Championships do take place this year and that our boxers have the opportunity to become national champions.

To provide some level planning, it is confirmed that rearranged dates will not be before the summer and, when we do rearrange, we will need to take into account the following:

  • Sufficient time for organisers, clubs and boxers to prepare

  • The August close down

  • A congested calendar

  • Whether there needs to be a weight allowance or other competition considerations.

There will no doubt be the need for compromise, but we will endeavour to try and balance all of the necessary considerations. Once we have further information, we will give updates, but we reiterate it’s our aim to get these Championships rearranged.

Club Shows

All clubs shows are immediately suspended from 6pm tonight, Tuesday 17 March.

In making this decision, Welsh Boxing has followed Government advice. This is namely:

  • Government advice on social gatherings

  • no unnecessary travel

  • use of already stretched medical staff etc

  • risk to those involved.

Clubs and organisers should check their agreements carefully in regards to cancellation terms and conditions, noting the government advice.

Should clubs themselves remain open?

Again, this is a decision for respective clubs, especially as clubs vary in size, location, age groups and activities they undertake aside from boxing.

However, its again recommended that the Government advice is followed, especially with regards to hygiene.

Coaching Courses

Welsh Boxing is not taking any future bookings for Coaching courses.

Wales Talent Pathway and international competition

Several competitions and training camps have already been cancelled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, including the European Youth Championship 2020. 

Information regarding future Welsh Talent Pathway activities will be sent out separately by the Performance Programme, when available.

Thank you for your understanding

Given the level of support we have received, it’s clear the amount of understanding there is in the boxing community regarding the extensive issues caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

These are extremely difficult times, but it’s essential we do what it takes to ensure we remain as safe as possible and that boxing does it bit to help alleviate the current situation.

However, we will no doubt get through this and start to produce high-class boxers and champions once again and as importantly play our full roles in the communities we represent.

We trust all is clear, but should there be any queries then please do not hesitate to contact us via

Regards to all and thank you for your support and cooperation,


Derek McAndrew


Welsh Boxing – Bocsio Cymru


Amy Garrett