Welsh Boxing announces the election of a new Chairman at the 2021 AGM

Welsh Boxing announces the election of a new Chairman, Paul Thorogood, at the 2021 AGM.

“I am delighted and honoured to be offered the opportunity to lead Welsh Boxing as its first Independent Chair.  I would like to thank outgoing Chair, Derek McAndrew, for all that he has done for Welsh boxing over many years, especially over the past four years as Chair.  He took over at a difficult time for Welsh Boxing and the organisation is in a better position now than it was then due to his committed stewardship.  I look forward to building on Derek’s hard work, and I am excited at the prospect of working with such a highly skilled and knowledgeable board supported by WABA’s professional and experienced Executive team.”
Paul Thorogood MBE MA FCIPS

Paul is currently Chair of CIPS and Chair of the Royal Air Force Sports Federation Board, and prior to that appointment, the CEO of the Football Foundation. As one of the largest sports charities in the world, the body was responsible for delivering the National (Grassroots) Football Facilities Strategy on behalf of the Premier League, the Football Association and the UK Government.

As an operational logistics and supply chain specialist throughout his military career, Paul rose to the rank of Group Captain. He retired early from the Royal Airforce to join the Football Foundation in 2006.

Paul has joined several boards and committees over the years, both global and national, including the National Sports and Recreation Alliance, from 2013 to 2015, which is responsible for 340 national governing bodies of sport across the UK, and the CIPS Global Board from 2013 to 2016.  In March 2017, he was appointed as one of six lay members on the House of Commons Parliamentary Standards Committee, responsible for overseeing the work of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and holding MPs to account for their conduct. 

Paul has an MA from Kings College London and a post graduate diploma in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick. 

He has a deep understanding and considerable experience of leading in both the not-for-profit and UK Sports sectors, which was reinforced through extensive military leadership training and experience. As an enthusiastic sportsman, we welcome him as the new Chair for Welsh Boxing.

Amy Garrett