Welsh Boxing Develop the Referee and Judge Pathway

Volunteers and especially officials are essential to the delivery of boxing in Wales. Recently Welsh Boxing has created a sub-committee to the board – “The Referee & Judges Commission”. The Referee & Judges Association have been vital in supporting Welsh Boxing take this step and this will provide a significant benefit to all officials through a financially supported officials’ pathway. Having such a sub-committee will provide assurances for the current board around risk.

As part of this new relationship Welsh Boxing has an R&J Pathway working group that will ensure all development, education and recruitment matters are delivered to the highest of standards.

officials pathway.png

 Through the National Trainers (John Waith & Mark Williams) there will be nationwide consistency to the delivery of all education and development. With the introduction of new courses there will be the opportunity for Officials to engage in ongoing education and development opportunities regularly.

Welsh Boxing hopes the visibility and quality of the Officials pathway will inspire more people to become officials and create a lifelong involvement in the sport of boxing. As officials continue to work their way along the Pathway and engage in their own personal development, they will have the opportunity to represent Wales at international tournaments as a referee & judge, travelling around the world and being involved in AIBA competitions including Major Championships.

If being involved in boxing as an Official is something that interests you, please register your interest with Adam Park – Head of Pathways (adam.park@welshboxing.org).

Amy Garrett