World Boxing Announcement


Welsh Boxing has been granted full membership status of World Boxing effective immediately and will attend the inaugural World Boxing Congress in Frankfurt on 24/25 November 2023.

World Boxing is a not-for-profit international sports federation that aims to ensure boxing remains at the heart of the Olympic movement.

As a full member of World Boxing, Welsh Boxing will have voting rights at the congress and can nominate candidates for committees and commissions within the new international body. Welsh Boxing plans to retain its current membership of the International Boxing Association (IBA).

Paul Thorogood, Chair of Welsh Boxing, said, “Welsh Boxing is dedicated to ensuring that our boxers can compete in the Olympics and internationally. It’s no longer possible to do both of these via the International Boxing Association (IBA). Therefore, in the interests of our members, we have joined World Boxing while remaining within the IBA.”

World Boxing will hold its inaugural Congress at the Mainarcaden Venue in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on 24 and 25 November 2023, with Welsh Boxing in attendance, along with representatives from England Boxing, GB Boxing, and Nigeria, which has just become the first African nation to join, taking World Boxing’s membership to 23.

Paul Thorogood said, “We are giving World Boxing our support as we have a duty to ensure that the sport remains an integral part of the Olympic movement. We believe World Boxing is now the only avenue to achieve that goal. We look forward to working with both organisations to ensure that the interests of boxers are put first and that the sport is governed with the highest integrity, honesty, and excellence.”



Rachel Sansom