A community transcending borders at Rhyl ABC 

Welsh Boxing amateur boxing clubs have regularly opened their doors and provided vital support in their communities over the years.  

From large-scale local initiatives to one-on-one support, the sport of boxing has been a haven for many in Wales.  

In recent times, many Ukrainians have found homes-away-from-home within Welsh Boxing clubs – one of those being Rhyl ABC in the North Division.  

The gym works very closely with the local Police Community Liaison Officer, who is also an Assistant Coach at Rhyl ABC. After a group of Ukrainian refugees moved to the area, the gym opened its doors to accommodate them during the days. 

A splinter group of five or six started to show real commitment and enjoyment and joined in with regular boxing sessions held at the gym. 

Three of them are still regularly training with Rhyl ABC, one of whom is Andrii Mishchuck, who never misses a session and has become a big part of the club’s community.  

“Andrii is a great kid,” stated Dan Andrews, Head Coach at Rhyl ABC. “He always puts in 100% effort.” 

The 16-year-old had never boxed before coming to the UK and was, in fact, a competitive chess payer back home with an uncle who is a chess master. It’s testament to his natural talent that Andrii was recently asked if he’d like to box competitively for the club – a prospect at which he was delighted. 

“I am looking forward to wearing the club vest,” he confirmed to Welsh Boxing, “and, hopefully, winning for the club many times!” 

While it will be intriguing to see how he does in a competitive bout, the most important aspect of his journey in Wales and in boxing has been the support shown by all at the club.  

“It is good that me and my friends have something to do outside of school,” Andrii said. “I really enjoy boxing. It helps me keep fit and I have made new friends.” 

Welsh Boxing is thrilled to hear another story demonstrating the power of our sport.  

“I think boxing is a massive part of the community,” Dan told us. “It was evident from one of the earliest sessions; boxing has helped the boys in gaining local friends as there is a comradery around boxing and in our gym.” 

The team at Rhyl ABC even take special measures to promote this collective spirit.  

“We ensure that all boxers mix with each other so that there is never a clique of friends or groups from rival schools with an ‘us vs them’ mentality. 

“We also provide training tops for all members,” he continued. “The Ukrainian boys were very grateful, and it was great to see them and all members in the same kit as a team.  

“The Ukrainian boys are very much part of the team and club!” 

Rachel Sansom