Appointment of a Community Development Officer

Following an open recruitment and interview process, and from a strong field of candidates, Welsh Boxing is delighted to announce that Owen Davies will be joining the team.

Owen will begin the community role on 15 April and the title is Community Development Officer.

Owen has a strong background in working with clubs having been part of the Sports Development Team in Caerphilly and we will outline his role in more detail to you once he is in post.

This position will make a significant impact on our ‘Active Clubs Active Communities’ goal within the new Strategy and his time will be 100% focussed on the community. 

Derek McAndrew, Chair, said “This is the first ever such role in Welsh Boxing and we would like to thank Sport Wales for their investment into this position. We all wish him well in his new role and to see Owen giving support to our clubs in this difficult time.”

Amy Garrett