Member Update 1

I hope the following is also of assistance to you in these tough times.

Emergency Relief Fund (ERF):
The application system from Sport Wales is scheduled to go live tomorrow (Wednesday 8th April). Information will be posted on the Sport Wales website. They have tried to keep the process as simple as possible to ensure they get funding to those who need it most as quickly as possible. The fund is aimed at those clubs with significant financial concerns over the next 12 weeks. Once an application form has been submitted, it will be assessed against the fund criteria.  They will aim to get back in touch with every applicant within five working days to confirm if they are eligible to access funding. For those eligible, the application will then proceed to the assessment stage. Sport Wales will endeavour to make decisions as quickly as possible to recognise the critical nature of this Fund and once funding has been authorised, payment will be made as soon as practicably possible.
Sport Resilience Fund:
As well as the ERF, last week Sport Wales and Welsh Government announced an £8.1 million Sport Resilience Fund. The intension is to make every effort to ensure that as a sector we can survive the current crisis and emerge able to continue to support people in Wales to enjoy being active. This fund will play a part in supporting many clubs and organisations across Wales, initially over the next six months. Once the ERF is ‘live’, Sport Wales will make the Sport Resilience Fund its immediate priority and will work on this next phase of support, this will be a formal approach to engagement.

The #BeActiveWales campaign launched yesterday. Sport and leisure providers across Wales are joining forces to encourage everyone in Wales to be active during the Coronavirus lockdown.  With people spending more time at home, and no access to leisure and sport facilities, staying active and healthy has never been more of a challenge. #BeActiveWales will be a team effort with over 20 partners already signed up.  Click on the highlighted link above to take a look at some of the assets being provided for you to utilise. Click here for more information on the website: English / Welsh.  #BeActiveWales / #ActifCymru.


Colin Metson

General Manager

Amy Garrett