Member Update 14

Dear Member Clubs,

The First Minister, Mark Drakeford, has now announced the words that many of you have been waiting for – indoor boxing clubs can reopen from Monday 10 August, ten days from now.

Welsh Boxing has updated its guidance document:

Guidance For Clubs - Preparing for Indoor Training

Please read through it and especially the ‘What Now’ section. As yet, we do not know the detail, but be rest assured, it will be very detailed and each club, if it wishes to open, will have to complete and submit a separate Risk Assessment.

The focus will remain on social distancing, signage and sanitation and with the current social distancing rules only limited activity will be allowed.

Please contact Amy Garrett on if you plan to re-open indoors and she will provide the Risk Assessment and discuss the detail.

Also, remember to submit an application to the Be Active Wales Fund if you require support towards any costs linked to opening up again and your best contact for this is Owen Davies on

If you do not plan to re-open until later in the year, can you also let Amy know this so we can note it down.

This is a very welcome step taken by the Welsh Assembly today.

Take care.  

Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett