Member Update 21

Dear Member Clubs,

You will probably have already heard or read The Welsh Government’s recent announcement on it's review of Coronavirus regulations.

In terms of sporting activity, the key points are as follows:

  • Outdoor sporting facilities can now reopen. These include golf courses, tennis courts, MUGS, basketball courts and other facilities.

  • Four people from two households can meet outdoors for exercise or other activities.

  • "Stay at home" has changed to “stay local”, allowing people to drive to begin exercise at a local location, usually less than 5 miles.

  • Organised outdoor activities for children will begin from the 27th March if the situation continues to improve.

  • However, indoor sporting facilities, such as boxing clubs, are to remain closed. We hope to hear more on changes to this on 2 April.

Take Care

Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett