Member Update 5

Dear Member Clubs,

You have received plenty of information off Welsh Boxing lately, so we will keep this one as brief as possible.


There is no change to the guidance we circulated last week, the next review date is set for 18/19 June and we will let you know what if anything is introduced then. In the meantime, remember:

Exercise and boxing activity can now take place as many times in a day as a person wishes, but must be conducted either individually or amongst those within a household in outside spaces for things such as general fitness, aerobic training, running, cycling, agility work. Resistance / weight training is allowed, providing a person has access to their own equipment, as well as bag or pad work if confined to those in the household.

Additionally, one person from a household may meet up to exercise with somebody from another household in an outside space (there is no limit on numbers). Where this occurs, they must maintain social distancing guidelines of being at a distance of at least two metres. So, potentially, a coach or boxer, from two different households could join up for sprinting / running, shadow boxing etc, but not hold pads and there must be no sparring or contact between two boxers etc.


The ERF is still available for those of you in need of emergency support.  Sixteen boxing clubs have successfully accessed this fund. Originally, this fund was for three months (March to May), but it has been extended into June and will continue until the new Sport Resilience Fund comes online in early July. Please contact Owen Davies, for support.


This site is also worth looking at as Social Business Wales are there to provide help and guidance to businesses in Wales. The link is

and here you will find information on COVID-19 support.


There are two courses planned for July and September. In July, your CWO can sign up to the Safeguarding and Protecting Children course and in September there is the Time to Listen course. This three hour workshop is for CWO’s who have already attended the Safeguarding and Protecting Children course. The link for the courses and view details is:

Take Care


Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett