Member Update 6

Dear Member Clubs,

Now that some outdoor activity can take place, please find below our
“Guidance Towards a Full Return to Amateur Boxing”, accurate up to 17 June 2020.
This document will be updated as we progress through the next few months as our First Minister makes his announcements.

Please be assured that Welsh Boxing’s number one priority continues to be the safety and wellbeing of our clubs, members, volunteers and staff, and we will continue to communicate regularly and directly with our clubs and members, and issue further guidance and supporting documentation as it becomes available.

Please remember, by its very nature, boxing poses a greater risk from COVID-19 than most other sporting activities. We also have to recognise that some members of the boxing community are more vulnerable to this virus than those in other sports.

Unfortunately, it is therefore likely that the full return of amateur boxing will occur later than many other sports. It is essential, however frustrating this is, that we follow the government regulatory advice, so we remain as safe as possible. 

It should also be noted that, as per Government regulation, professional boxing and elite level boxing may be permissible and return sooner than club level amateur boxing.

So please find attached our guidance document and be aware there are likely to be many other issues, some foreseeable and others not, that will need to be overcome before amateur boxing can fully resume.

If you have any specific queries, please do not hesitate to contact Welsh Boxing.


Colin Metson
Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett