Member Update 8

UPDATE: Monday 29 June


There is no change to the guidance document, dated 22 June (attached), the next review date is set for Friday, 10 July, and we will let you know what if anything is introduced then. In the meantime, remember:

All affiliated boxing clubs are to remain closed for indoor activity. However, exercise and some boxing activity can take place outdoors as many times in a day as a person wishes, but must be conducted either individually or amongst those within a household. Additionally, one person from a household may meet up to exercise with somebody from another household in an outside space (there is no limit on numbers and these can be separate meetings). Where this occurs, you must maintain social distancing guidelines of being at a distance of at least two metres. So, potentially, a coach or boxer, from two different households could join up for sprinting / running, shadow boxing etc, but not hold pads and there must be no sparring or contact between two boxers etc. You still have to remain local, so in general, 5 miles.


The fund which will replace the Emergency Relief Fund should be launched on 7 July, so start thinking about your requirements so you are ready to apply for this new fund. It will focus on the existing ‘protect’ ie rent, utility bills, but it will also look at ‘prepare’, which means what financial support you need to allow activity to take place when you are able to open up ie capital works, cleaning product, signage, PPE etc. The fund will actually be called ‘BeActiveWales Fund’, so look out for this.


If you have not done so already, you should start thinking about the measures you need to put in place before you can even consider re-opening. Later this week, we will circulate a guidance document that will outline the areas to focus on, this will cover signage, social distancing, hygiene and access.


As well as this new Sports Resilience Fund, don’t forget the other options open to you:

  • Business Rates grant from local authorities linked to non-domestic rates – this closes on 30 June - tomorrow

  • Welsh Government Economic Resilience Fund Phase 1 – generally for those that pay VAT

  • Welsh Government Economic Resilience Fund Phase 2 – for non-VAT firms especially those eligible for charity relief and CASC’s

Please remember all grants are liable to taxation, there are some exemptions and currently sport is looking for a blanket exemption.


Keep looking at the videos on our Welsh Boxing Facebook and Twitter sites and we would love to hear the ways your club is adapting to the lockdown. Please email any photos/videos from your own club to


The AGM is planned for Sunday 18 October and the board is considering how best to manage the AGM in the context of current restrictions which make any sort of mass gathering impractical. If we cannot host the AGM in the normal way, it will be held via a virtual meeting with voting by proxy. We will keep you posted.

Take Care


Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett