Member Update 9

Dear Member Clubs,

Up until now, we have continually shared the message that all gyms must be closed and this remains the case until we hear differently from the First Minister.

We have also provided guidance to you all about the financial support available during these tough times and we will continue to do this.

However, we now feel it is the right time for you, as clubs, to start preparing for a re-opening, whenever that is, and with this in mind, we have developed another guidance document, ‘Guidance for Clubs – Preparing for Non-Contact Boxing’, on the basis that contact in sport will be the last area to be addressed. You will need to consider club layout, entry and exit points, hygiene and social distancing in your plans.

Please see the document Guidance For Clubs - Preparing for Non Contact Boxing.

This is a general starter document and before you are able to re-open as a WABA affiliated boxing club, we will require the completion of certain more detailed risk assessments and club layouts.

So, to start the process, please let Amy Garrett ( know who is your nominated Club Covid-19 Officer? Also, please provide an outline club layout document, based on the current requirements.

It would be very helpful to have these two pieces of information by Friday 10 July.


Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett