Message from the Chair

Dear Member Clubs,


Welsh Boxing has noted recent comments on social media suggesting that Welsh Boxing is trying to close clubs down and destroy boxing. As Chair of the Board, I would like to make it clear to all clubs that Welsh Boxing is doing all that it can at both a board level and at a staff level to work with all our partners at Sport Wales, Welsh Sports Association and Welsh Assembly to find solutions to the current difficulties our clubs are having, in particular the social distancing regulation, which is having a serious impact on the close contact indoor sports.


However, we will also be clear and consistent with our approach to the current regulations and if any club or individual is potentially in breach of the guidelines, then they will be spoken to, not in an officious disciplinary manner but in an informal way. Unfortunately, the social media comment came from an individual, who had politely been asked to attend an informal meeting at a time of his choosing and then failed to attend, on more than one occasion.  We hope the matter can be resolved amicably, but there is no suggestion of closing any club down.


Take care and stay safe.


Derek McAndrew

WABA Chair and Chair of the Disciplinary Panel

Amy Garrett