Return to Boxing - Phase 2 - Padwork and Sparring

Dear Member Clubs,


We are delighted to inform you that Welsh Boxing has now moved from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of its Return to Boxing Framework.  


This means, that subject to Welsh Boxing’s approval, clubs will be able to engage in pad work and sparring.


The Welsh Assembly Government continues to maintain 2 metre social distancing indoors in its Regulations, which has led to the current difficult position in boxing.   However, the Welsh Boxing board along with the staff, have worked tirelessly to be in a position to now approve pad work and sparring for all participants (not just U18’s) - subject to a number of mitigations to be followed.


The mitigations, and the process outlined will ensure that we are all being as careful as possible and providing all the necessary documentation, whilst allowing clubs the opportunity to offer more to its members.     


Welsh Boxing has introduced a Four Easy Steps Guide, which outlines the process for our clubs to be able to move from Phase 1 (fitness and bag work only) to Phase 2, and you will find this documentation here.


There are a number of mitigations to agree to, the most important ones are:


  • You have no more than 15 participants in each session

  • Each participant is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes in any one 24 hour period

  • It is vital you keep to 2m social distancing whilst not doing pad work and sparring

  • Cleanliness and hygiene around the gym must be kept to a high standard


As advised on Friday, the Office is now open and available to receive your Medical Cards. You can either post your Medical Cards or visit the building in person. Opening hours for stamping is between 10am and 2pm Monday to Thursday. Please report to Sport Wales reception and then wait outside the building until a member of staff meets you.


We must advise that competition is not allowed until Phase 3, further news on this will be advised in due course.


We hope this is the news the majority of our clubs have been waiting to hear.   Though, of course, we do also understand that there will be clubs who wish to remain at Phase 1, or even remain closed.


Take Care


Colin Metson

Chief Executive Officer

Amy Garrett