Information, Guidance and Useful Links for Clubs

Dear Member Clubs,

If your inbox is anything like mine then you would have received a number of emails over the last week providing guidance during this really tough time, so I have refrained from forwarding everything on and compounding the issue. But what I would like to offer now is a Boxing specific Guidance note for you all, some of you will have seen this information, others will have not.  Listed below is the current position on Welsh Boxing matters, followed by some governmental guidelines as I see that might relate to you in your clubs and personal circumstances.  I have also attached a number of useful links to differing schemes and plans and hope you find it useful. My apologies on its length but please just take what information you need and discard the rest, each club will be different.

One major announcement we are currently waiting on is from The Welsh Assembly Government and Sport Wales about support for the voluntary sector and especially clubs.  As soon as I hear this news I will circulate this to you.

Welsh Boxing Updates

  • The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games due to commence in July have been postponed until 2021.

  • Boxing Road to Tokyo Olympic qualifying rounds at the Copper Box, London were suspended on March 16.  

  • The Welsh Boxing National Championships 2020, due to take place from 4 April have been postponed.

  • The Welsh Boxing National Championships 2020 for Schools and Minors, due to take place in May have also been postponed.

  • Welsh Boxing Coaching courses have been postponed.

Government support for businesses

  • Last Monday, Government enforced a lock-down, advising people to remain at home except to shop for necessities, exercise once a day, receive medical treatment and travel to work when essential. Measures will be reviewed in 3 weeks.

  • Gyms and sporting clubs have been closed until further notice, alongside schools, shops, bars, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, hotels, and leisure centres.

  • The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been introduced, with HMRC reimbursing 80% of wages, up to £2,500 per month for retained employees who have been asked to stop working.

  • The British Business Bank has launched the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme to support SMEs with loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset finance up to £5m and up to six years. The Government will cover the first 12 months of interest payments.

  • VAT payments for the first quarter of 2020 have been deferred to June 2020.

  • Businesses in financial distress and with outstanding tax liabilities can receive tailored support from HMRC’s Time to Pay service.

  • Government is providing a one-off £10,000 to support small businesses that pay little or no business rates because of small business rate relief.

  • Government will bring forward legislation to allow SMEs (those with under 250 employees) to reclaim Statutory Sick Pay for staff sicknesses due to coronavirus.

  • Commercial tenants who cannot pay rents due to coronavirus will be protected from eviction if they miss a payment over the next 3 months.

  • Businesses have been given an additional 3 months to file accounts with Companies House.

  • The Chancellor announced a new scheme to help self-employed workers during the coronavirus crisis. The new scheme will take the form of a taxable grant to self-employed workers worth 80% of average monthly profits over the last three years. It will be capped at £2,500 per month per worker.

  • Temporary changes to Standard and Enhanced ID checking guidelines for DBS applications have been introduced, enabling ID documents to be viewed by video link or scanned images provided in place of original documents. Original documentation will now be provided at the start of coaching or volunteering roles.

  • The Government has published non-statutory guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities in the private and social rented sectors following the passage of the Coronavirus Bill. Guidance can be accessed here.

  • Business Secretary Alok Sharma has announced that workers who have not taken all of their statutory annual leave entitlement due to COVID-19 will now be able to carry it over into the next two leave years. The regulations will allow up to four weeks of unused leave to be carried over, reducing the burden on businesses and providing certainty to employees currently aiding the response to coronavirus. Full details can be read here.

Welsh Sports Association

Welsh Sports Business calls on Government for Support During Covid-19 27.03.2020

WSA has written with Community Leisure UK, CIMPSA and ukactive to Ken Skates, Minister for the Economy on behalf of sports businesses in Wales.


Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: New Support For Employers Impacted by Coronavirus 27.03.2020

The UK Government has announced unprecedented financial measures to support UK employers struggling to pay employees during the coronavirus pandemic, WSA’s legal partner Loosemores explain how this works for employers.

Coronavirus and Commercial Contracts 27.03.2020

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause major disruptions to businesses across the UK, it is important to consider the contractual issues facing many businesses and individuals as they try to manage the impact of coronavirus.

Business Wales 27.03.2020

Covid-19 Update from Business Wales

Newsletter including: Support for the Self-Employed, 3 month extension to file accounts, Coronavirus (COVID 19): closure of businesses and premises

Welsh Government

New powers to enforce coronavirus social distancing come into force in Wales 26.03.2020

New powers to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 protect the NHS and save the lives have now come into force in Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford has confirmed.

Education Minister announces exam arrangements for years 10 and 12 27.03.2020
The Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, has announced how current year 10 and 12 learners in Wales will be assessed, as alternative arrangements are introduced following the outbreak of the coronavirus and the cancellation of summer exams. 

Grants to start reaching businesses 26.03.2020
Businesses will start receiving emergency coronavirus grants by the middle of next week, Economy, Transport and North Wales Minister Ken Skates confirmed today. Welsh Government is developing a further package of support for the business community to help it deal with the impact of the outbreak. Further details will be available on Monday.

Guidance: Coronavirus key (critical) workers 27.03.2020
Who is designated a key worker, if their work is critical to the COVID-19 response.

Coronavirus: guidance to planning authorities 27.03.2020
How we expect local planning authorities to maintain services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UK Government

UK pledges £544 million to find coronavirus vaccine 27.03.2020
The funding will ensure British scientists and researchers continue to lead the global fight against the virus. 

Rules on carrying over annual leave to be relaxed to support key industries during COVID-19 27.03.2020
Workers who have not taken all of their statutory annual leave entitlement due to COVID-19 will now be able to carry it over into the next 2 leave years. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for people with animals
Advice for pet owners and livestock keepers on maintaining the welfare of their animals during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

UK Parliament

Chair responds to Chancellor’s announcement on support for self-employed 27.03.2020
Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP, Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee, has responded to the Chancellor of Exchequer’s announcement on support for self-employed workers during the coronavirus outbreak.

Stay Safe.


Colin Metson

General Manager

Amy Garrett